Shark Tagging (Duvan Fishing Charters)

Phone083 654 8169
Contact PersonDuvan van Breda

Duvan van Breda, an avid young professional fisherman, passionate environmentalist and entrepreneur, grew up along the shores of Jeffriesbay in South Africa. After graduating from high school, Duvan decided on furthering his education at Stellenbosch University where he achieved his degree in BComm Entrepreneurship.

During his spell at Stellenbosch University, Duvan’s eye remained focused on fishing and his love for the environment and the ocean. This paid off well when he was selected to represent the Western Province U21 fishing side competitively – no small accomplishment. Fishing more than twice a week, Duvan’s passion and ability grew exponentially. He was selected for the Western Province Senior A Side (considered quite a major achievement at the tender age of 19). He then skipped Western Province Development and Senior B Side and was one of the youngest team members ever to have achieved this accolade.

Living The Dream

Following his 4 years at Stellenbosch University and his achievements in competitive professional fishing, it followed naturally for Duvan to return to his native fishing grounds on the east coast of South Africa to establish his own Angling Tours business known as “Fishing with Duvan van Breda”.

What was intended to be a part time venture has since grown into a flourishing business, seeing Duvan leading local and foreign visitors to South African shores, on adrenaline filled fishing capers to various prime fishing destinations in Southern Africa.

Tag & Release

Duvan van Breda is a disciple of “tag & release” being a strong advocate in the protection and rehabilitation of flora, fauna and especially our fragile marine life and creatures. Only the occasional Kob or Musselcracker is caught for the table, the massive sharks caught are recorded, tagged and returned to the ocean to continue on their marine journey.

Duvan van Breda provides an exclusive land based shark fishing experience with an emphasis on individual attention.

These once in a lifetime experiences are not set in stone and can be customized to suit your own needs and wishes provided they are catered for in advance.
No more than 4 individuals are included on one tour ensuring a maximized experience by Duvan who will take you through all the tricks of the trade, supply you with tackle and bait and ensure that you have a lifetime memory to take away.

